Thursday, February 14, 2008

The end is near!

We are nearing the end of the paper chase and getting closer to what we are very excited about--adopting our child! We have completed our end of the paperwork and will begin our homestudy next Thursday. The social worker, Tiffany, will be coming to our home Thursday and Friday. After she completes her paperwork the agency will begin showing our profile to birthmothers. I'll be working on the profile tonight. We have to type up a few pages about our family and include pictures of our family and our home. Once that's done all we have to do is wait! I've been learning a lot about waiting lately. Maybe I'll share some thoughts on that in the next post...

This has been a very emotional and busy time for us, but we know God is guiding us and orchestrating this whole process. If it wasn't for our faith in Him, I think we would be completely stressed out! The Sovereignty of God is a beautiful thing. It makes situations like this so much easier because we know He is control, not us. Thanks for all your prayers!


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